Why should my roof be done in the summer?

Considering a roof makeover but unsure about the timing? Well, let's break it down in homeowner lingo. Discount Roofs, your roofing sidekick, has been in the game for many years, offering trusty roofing services across Ontario. Now, when's the prime time for a roof facelift?

Pros of Roof Repair During Summer:

  1. It’s Quicker: Winter delays? Forget about it. Summer means swift repairs with no weather hiccups. Perfect for urgent fixes.
  2. Installation is Easier: Dry weather makes roofing materials cooperative. Summer heat turns asphalt shingles flexible, avoiding cracks and leaks.
  3. It’s Cheaper: Summer is like roofing Black Friday. Less demand means lower prices. Plus, fewer weather issues save you moolah in the long run.
  4. Enhances Roof Efficiency During Summer: Fixing your roof in summer avoids costly mishaps. No leaks, no mold, and bonus—lower energy bills.
  5. Lower Moisture Levels: Summer keeps things dry, avoiding moisture headaches that winter can bring. No damp roofing materials here!
  6. More Roofing Contractors Available: Summer's chill vibe means more contractors. Bargaining power? Check! Take your time to find a trustworthy one.

Cons of Roof Repair During Summer:

  1. Harder for Your Roofing Crew: Your roof is basically a heatwave hotspot. Roofers need breaks to avoid becoming human popsicles. Keep them hydrated!
  2. The Sun Can Damage Materials: Blazing sun directly on materials? Not cool. Start early or late to dodge sun damage, especially for asphalt shingles.
  3. Your Roof May be More Susceptible To Leaks: Fixing a leaking roof in summer? Might worsen. The heat makes materials expand and contract, playing havoc.

Other Things to Think About:

  1. Best Month to Replace a Roof: Fall takes the crown. Perfect weather for crew and materials. It’s the Goldilocks season—just right.
  2. Busiest Season for Roofers: Fall again! Everyone's rushing for that perfect roof weather. Start your roofer hunt in the summer to beat the crowd.
  3. Best Temperature to Replace a Roof: Aim for 45-85°F for the ideal roofing dance. Roofers can groove in hotter or cooler temps, but why not make it comfy?
  4. When Not to Put a Roof On: Don’t roof when it's below 40°F or above 85°F. Too cold or too hot? Nah, your roof's not feeling it.

When's the best time for your roof glow-up? Chat with Discount Roofs. They've got the roofing wisdom. Ready for a summer revamp? Contact us at 1-866-766-3650 to kickstart your roof's facelift!

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